BJJ Shoulder Warm Up Grapplers Performance

BJJ Shoulder Warm Up

Before upper body focused lifting sessions and BJJ in general, I like to warm up my shoulders at the same time I work on my hip heist.

Setting the shoulder is an easy positional fix, that can reduce your risk of developing anterior shoulder pains, such as AC joint irritation and the long head of biceps tendinopathy, among others.

Warm Up Your Shoulders

Add in this BJJ shoulder warm up with a shoulder-specific position to your hip heists to warm the joint up, and build good positional muscle memory.

Sets & Reps for BJJ Athletes

2 sets
50 reps
Slow and Controlled

Don’t forget…

We have a free 2-week Strength & Conditioning Program for grapplers available to download. Check it out here!

BJJ Shoulder Warm Up Grapplers Performance

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