Grapplers Performance Success Story Review Solve Your Injury For Good

Back to BJJ Pain Free

Check our this fun Before & After of a patient with have been working with recently who was kind of enough to give us permission to share his results so far.

When we first met he had daily shoulder & neck pain, flaring up particularly bad after BJJ. Frustratingly this led him to stop training for weeks at a time.

During our initial assessment we found that one of the main contributors was a lack of shoulder & thoracic movement. This was then forcing his neck into compromised postions.

After only a few weeks his movement had improved immensely, alongside his symptoms! He’s back to BJJ without any pain and is training 100% again.

If you’re struggling with pain or finding yourself sitting on the sidelines, get started with our free injury rehab guides. We offer tailored (free) advice to start calming down your symptoms so you can get back onto the mat.


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